5 ways to always stay organized.
Never miss a deadline again!
Do you feel like time slips in your hands? Is it hard for you to focus and complete tasks? Are deadlines your worst enemy? Worry no more!
Below you will find five awesome tricks to help yourself stay organized, focused and ready to strive. Let’s dive right in!
- Always write everything down.
If forgetting details of a conversation, names of people you just met or appointments you made is your thing, then keeping notes is your salvation. Make lists, bullet points, notes or even sketches and scribbles to come back to, when your mind goes *blink*. There are plenty of notepads, even with pre-designed task templates to help you get started. Writing stuff down makes your mind think everything twice at the moment, so you have greater chances of memorizing information too!
2. Don’t procrastinate.
Okay, I know. And you know I know. But this shared secret must be in the open, so that you can move forward with your organized life! Like the first trick I mentioned, completing a task right in its moment will help you not to forget about its existence. On the plus side, you will also be able to relax more, without having to worry about a big, dirty pile of unfinished tasks lurking for you in the dark. So force yourself out of the sofa and hang these two loose t-shirts in the wardrobe now!
3. Have a space for everything.
Clutter can be overwhelming. And living or working in a cluttered space can have immense impact on your ability to focus. So give every little thing a home, a special place in the house where it can’t be displaced. If you feel like an object does not fit somewhere, then it is time to get rid of it, as it will probably move around for a while, causing you to focus on it instead of more important tasks.
4. Declutter regularly.
As a continuation of the 4th trick, remember to declutter regularly. It does not always have to be Saturday’s chores. If you tend to clutter things, try to un-clutter one space, one room or one furniture at a time. Pick a bookcase, for example, and take everything off on the floor. Then put every object back on the shelves, with a different arrangement, starting from the most important or valuable ones. The ones left without a place, or the ones that you feel least important, outdated or useless could be thrown away or donated.
5. Prioritize.
It may sound weird, but making priorities is one of the least prioritized tasks a person does. Make a list of the tasks that need to be done, then give everything a number depending on its priority, importance or urgency and start from there. It is easy to lose important deadlines, if you start dealing with tasks of less urgency first. This can be applied from school assignments or work tasks to your whole life’s approach. Focus on the people that matter and don’t dedicate yourself, your time or your energy to those of less impact in your life.
I hope you will find these tricks useful. Make your life and your routine better today (and don’t procrastinate on that, I can see you)!