Infinite input, limited output.

Stella Thoma
2 min readFeb 8, 2021


…or “Why can’t I stop scrolling?”

Even at this very moment I’m trying to type something valuable, I catch myself thinking:

“You have been scrolling all day. You have consumed all this content. You should already have so much inspiration to write.”

Nothing comes out. Why?

Imagine having all this time in your hands. There are so many possibilities, you get inspired, you decide what you want to write on. And then you just stare a blank page and nothing comes out. So you research again. So you spend one more hour scrolling to get inspired.

It is an ongoing cycle of consuming content and allocating your focus on ten different places, texts, pictures, people, words, voices. How did we limit our focus span so much, and why?

It’s the stimulus. It is infinite, plentyful, and it’s everywhere.

Right now, just by looking around my desk I can locate 4 devices, all active. My laptop, my personal and professional cell phones and a tablet (…just because). I even realize that I rotate between them to open all kinds of apps and go through all kinds of content during a day.

How can so much content not be enough? Why do we want more?

It all comes down to the value of it. Did it offer you something valuable after you consumed it or is it just ramble?

At least, you get to question yourself.

And questions are the most important outcome. Being concerned and restless is a 2021 reality check. Asking questions and doupting gets you to the next step. A resting mind does not progress.

So, maybe all this ramble makes me realise something in the end.

Having open and honest conversations with yourself, doupting your present habits and your comfort zones is all that matters to get you off your comfortable chair. Maybe this is what you need to start something you never could before. Or maybe something that you were too scared to ask, to question, to doupt.

This is the first step to my journey through questions. It does not even matter if I even get answers.

All that matters is that we are finally asking.



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